
The Friends of BWAF program offers unique networking opportunities and brings together small groups of peers for topical conversations, architecture tours and social events, focused around women in architecture and design. The program provides individual and corporate members access to three events yearly involving high profile professionals in architecture and design, engineering, construction, and architectural journalism.

Your annual support directly enables Beverly Willis Architecture Foundation, a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization, in leading a cultural revolution in the building industry that acknowledges, cultivates and values women’s contributions and achievements- past, present and future. We cultivate leaders at all levels and seek to build global change.

Support our efforts and become a BWAF Friend today!

1 of 4 Friends Presentation Night at Thornton Tomasetti, July 2024

Annual Membership

Early Professional (up to ten years of professional experience): $250
Professional (ten+ years of professional experience): $500
Corporate Friendship*: $5000

*Allows for 4 participants per event 

Friends benefits include:

Invitation to three BWAF Friends events per year
Built By Women tote bag
Early notification of BWAF activities
Monthly BWAF newsletter
Prominent listing on BWAF website (Corporate Friendship only)

2024-2025 Corporate Friends

Become a Friend

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